Little Palms School Curriculum Areas

Little Palms School has always been a Christ-centered (a ministry of Hosanna Lutheran Church), 

developmentally appropriate school, where young children learn through hands-on exploration and discovery.  We implement state standards and are a technologically sound school with interactive smart boards and individual tablets in each classroom, that are utilized as learning tools to enhance and develop young minds beyond their everyday understanding of the world around them. Our school was developed to be on the cutting edge of empowering young learners to engage in hypothetical/critical thinking and problem solving…enabling each child to excel through elementary and secondary schools as well as into college and to be a productive adult in our world today.

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Academic Subject Areas:

Language Arts

The Language Arts Program is based on mastering a thorough knowledge of phonetic sounds that make up our speech patterns. Early development of vocabulary is explored and stressed. Reading, spelling, storytelling, writing, music, and song are correlated throughout the program at developmentally appropriate levels.


The child is taught concepts, techniques and language of this rapidly expanding field of knowledge. Traditional as well as hands-on approaches to the teaching of math are learned and applied. However, there is an emphasis on hypothesizing, critical thinking, and problem solving.

Social Science

Our basic “world around us” – geographic awareness, community helpers and leaders, beginning map skills, and basic current events are taught in a developmentally appropriate fashion.

Science and Health

The concepts of earth, physical, and life sciences are taught from the Christian perspective and introduced in a developmentally appropriate manner. Thematic units will include prediction, observation, and recording.

Physical Education

Physical fitness, group and individual games are taught and scheduled throughout the curriculum on a daily basis. Social play is experienced daily. Knowledge of rules, beginning sport skills, team play, and sportsmanship are also introduced.

Creative Arts

General music/movement and basic art skills are integrated into the total curriculum and periodically supplement the congregation’s/child/family’s worship life.

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Faith Development:

Bible lessons for the young child center on Jesus as our Savior and stress that God loves and cares for us. We regularly make use of songs, prayers, finger plays, CD's, puppets, and other aids in our instruction. All children enrolled in our program participate in a developmentally appropriate chapel service every Tuesday & Wednesday in our Sanctuary. We invite parents/guardians to join us for this Chapel time each week.

Children enrolled in our school take part in singing at Hosanna Lutheran Church & School’s Sunday morning and/or mid-week worship services periodically throughout the year. They also participate in our Family Christmas Worship in December.

Each day the classes come together for Jesus time. We learn the weekly Bible story, and pray together. Our Christian faith, given to us by the Holy Spirit, is nurtured through weekly chapel, daily devotions, and incorporating all God has done for us and given us as we study throughout our daily curriculum. Each day we seek to impart to each child and their families the saving Good News of Jesus Christ. Experiences are then provided to assist each child in developing a Christian lifestyle. We also pray for one of our school families each week.

Ways We Learn:

  • Learning Centers

    We encourage small motor development through manipulative materials such as blocks, puzzles, learning games, toys, and art activities (cutting, gluing, coloring, painting, printing, play-dough, weaving). Critical thinking skills are exercised when children partake in the Math, Science, Sensory and Discovery Centers. Socialization and literacy skills as well as school readiness are developed in a comfortable learning environment that is compatible with children's interests and abilities within all of the Learning Centers including the Dramatic Play Center and the Literacy Center.

  • Group Time

    During group time each day, children are in their individual classrooms with their own teacher. Activities include opening and closing routines, "helper chart" duties, “sharetime,” stories, finger plays, songs, and various theme related events. Children learn to develop their attention span and to participate in a group setting. Because our program serves children of various ages and developmental levels, "share-time” or “Alphabet Letter Bag” practices vary from class to class. Your child's teacher will be happy to explain the procedure used in his/her class.

  • Outside Play

    We encourage large motor development, sharing and cooperation through active participation in such activities as painting, digging, climbing, balancing, riding tricycles, using developmentally appropriate toys, engaging in parachute play, bouncing, catching, and throwing playground balls, tennis balls, bean-bags etc. Specific motor skill activities are practiced weekly.